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Top rated - Stone art
A dangerous point of view657 viewsAnother of my 'looking through' series. With dangerous, almost lethal spikes or claws guard the organic, blobby viewing portal.
Three pieces pinned together. Total 1320mm tall.
(1 votes)
Silver fern without fern fronds1866 viewsAnother view of silver fern statue (on next page) with central fronds removed.
If you click on these photos they will get bigger... enjoy
(72 votes)
Beginnings1026 viewsPhoto taken from down vista.
Statue 1.3m tall,
Fern fronds unfurling... more detailed photo next page
(3 votes)
Hope springs eternal...627 viewsSmall statue using flowing theme. When I was carving this the expression ' like getting blood from a stone' kept coming to mind, but I thought that was a bit yucky so I've named it something more hopeful and positive.
Stands 350mm tall
(2 votes)
Hidden secrets691 viewsMy inspiration for this piece was a piece of broken shell off the beach where the smooth flowing form of the structure of the shell is only exposed after it is broke and worn by the sea... thus exposing the hidden secrets.
Stands about 65cm tall (plus base for stability)
(2 votes)
Escape (back view)908 viewsThis piece of stone I've had around for a few years so is fairly aged looking, but just right for this sculpture. You see a grey block of stone from this angle, and if you walk around it, the lady will be revealed.
About 1.2m tall
(1 votes)
Escape (side view)625 viewsMy daughter actually suggested a lady escaping from a piece of stone... so here she is...
My lady is pushing her way out of the stone and into the light, and evolving as she does.
Her body is ultra-smooth and lovely to touch, her hair which is being torn free from the stone is rough, and the rest of the stone from is unsealed so it is grey and aged.
(1 votes)
The Answer (backview)605 viewsas before...00000
(1 votes)
In the Groove614 viewsA neighbour of mine saw one of my other wacky pieces and said 'I bet you can't carve balls suspended within the stone.' I took that as a challenge and here it is! - balls caught in the groove... A really fun, funky piece which always makes me smile.
Stands 1400mm tall
(1 votes)
Wavy fern leaf641 viewsAs a teenager I used to be taken on bush walks by my parents – both of whom were very knowledgeable about plants and trees. They used to argue amongst themselves about specific botanic names and tell me the most amazing things about the plants we passed by. “Wavy fern” (not its biological name – sorry Mum and Dad) is not a small fern but a large glossy one – which I love the undulating shapes.00000
(1 votes)
Don't Know605 viewsI was doodling when I made this. I began thinking about fish hooks, then dolphins and whales swimming in the ocean, and then vertibrae??? So I came up with something very unusual but soft and flowing with deep contrasting shadows.
1200mm tall on a 200mm tall base
(1 votes)
Fern729 viewsA more delicate lacey look using the design of a fern leaf.
Stands 700mm high without a base
(1 votes)
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